Thursday, October 6, 2011


today we went to Pratt institute its a cool collage were they taught us about scholarships and showed us little video clips like one was called the presidents commercial he talked about reading there was a kid dressed up as Barack Obama and when he showed us his favorite book there was a picture of George bush on his face [I think] instead of George Washington [I think] and when he talked about his daughter Sasha he would dramatically turn his head and say ''sasha!''  and there was a clip of a five year old lip sinking a song and their was a video clip called sky high and there was a girl and boy who were smoking when the dad was holding a giant cigarette and said ''WHATS THIS!'' the boy said ''a frisbie'' and the mom said ''YOUR TELLING ME THIS IS A FRISBEE!'' the mom said and after that a guy dressed like Mikel Jackson came out and did the moon walk and he said why college is important and the people who made the video clips said why college was important and then we left and took the train back to school 

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